On-The-Go Chia Oat Power Bowl

I often get bored eating the same two take-to-work breakfasts. So the only logical way to switch things up is to combine my two favourites! One of my co-workers also jumped on the chia seed pudding bandwagon, and she started to microwave her pudding and eat it warm.  I thought it was a brilliant idea!  It makes the pudding a warm breakfast hug on a cold winter morning! I was getting a bit tired of chia seed pudding, so one evening I decided to cut it with some large-flake rolled oats.  Thus this harmonious recipe was born! chiaoats3chiaoats

It takes 3 minutes to prep before bed, and only 3 minutes to cook at work in the morning!


Chia Oat Power Bowl

1/3 cup rolled large-flake oats (can use regular quick oats, but I much prefer the texture of the large-flake) 3 tablespoons of chia seeds 1 tablespoon of natural nut butter 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon 1 or 2 teaspoons of natural maple syrup (or sweetener of your choice) 1 teaspoon of natural vanilla extract 1 cup of plain unsweetened almond milk (or milk of your choice) Toppings of your choice.  Personal Favs: Raspberries, sliced banana, blueberries, hemp seeds, dried cranberries, walnut pieces (when I can afford them)…

On-The-Go version:

In a small mason jar, or other container with a good seal, combine the cinnamon, vanilla and almond milk.  Seal and shake lightly. Toss in the fridge until ready to use! Combine the oats and chia seeds in a microwave safe container and smear the tablespoon of peanut butter on the side of the container.  Seal and toss in the fridge when ready to use! When you are ready for your breakfast, simply shake and pour the almond milk into the oats/seeds and stir lightly.  Mircrowave on high for 2 minutes.  Take out and stir.  Place in the microwave for 1 more minute.  WARNING: Do not turn your back on this! The chia seeds have a tendency to puff up in the microwave.  In the last minute the risk of overflow is high.  The varies with the strength of your microwave.  I use a very used-and-abused work microwave, so it is a bit weaker than my one at home.  Monitor your dish carefully!

If You Don’t Like Microwaves:

You can easily make this on the stove top! Simply combine all ingredients and cook on medium-med/low until thickened to desired consistency.


You can give this recipe the overnight treatment!  Simply combine all ingredients in one container (omitting the nut butter) and store overnight in the fridge.  In the morning, give it a good stir and top with the nut butter and other treats!

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